>>13562445let me explain now.
They used:
> Ultrathin sections were stained with saturated 4% uranyl acetate and 1% lead citrate before examination with a transmission electron microscopeHere is lead citrate (which was used in the experiment) :
https://www.tnstate.edu/nanobio/documents/Lead%20citrate%20trihydrate2.pdfIt is deadly. Cytotoxic, cuases cancer all this shit.
It cuases cell behaviour change. Cancer == Cell behaviour change.
https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Uranyl-acetate> slightly radio active> extremely toxic> carcinogenic> causes cell mutation> observe mutated cell that splits apart and fights for its live> claim its covid> put gene in gene sequencer and tell seqeuncer explicitly to contain a "spike protein" in the calculation> """isolated""""In Picrel is a study in 2004 where they tested the toxicity of lead compunds to vero cells.
conclusion war:
> lead compound let vero cell die and create phages.> vero cells are good for lead toxicity tests> picrel> formation of phage with ring (like corona virus)> mutated phage as cytotoxic reaction to vero cell isolated> claimed its the virusThey biased it into the calculation, to give every person the S-Gene