In recent weeks, plucky underdog Ratasha has found herself momentarily in a supporting role, cheering on Rat 'n' Cat Connection partner Nico as she competed in the B1 Climax Tournament. This, however, did not serve to keep Ratasha out of harms way, as she found herself menaced by the sinister newcomer Kobra Kaii and her ever-present snake companion, Jet. Though Nico would rise to Ratasha's defense, it became clear that this is a challenge that the ring rat turned Burger Bear Gym prodigy will have to face herself, as Kobra Kaii seeks to pick up a second WWA victory and assert her predatory dominance in this encounter. She will no doubt be bringing Jet, but Ratasha will not come alone, for now it is Nico's turn to support her by accompanying her ringside! Who will emerge victorious in this contest of rat versus snake, with the big cat Nico looking on from ringside?