>>11226904>I mean insurance, costsIf you have it, you pay a monthly bill just like for your phone or internet, or you get insurance through your place of work and they take it out of your paychecks just like they do for taxes. If you've got an especially shit policy like me, it's just an extra checking account in your name you deposit direct from your paycheck income-tax free that can only be spent on medical bills. They gave me a locked debit card and a list of preferred doctors where i can get a discount.
>what happens if you have an emergencyYou go to the hospital and hope they decide to go easy on you. Sometimes they'll run a bunch of unrelated tests which you won't know whether to decline or not because you're not a fucking doctor. Last time I went I had cut myself on broken glass. They did X-rays but didn't look at the images before stitching me up. I still have bits of glass in my hand.
>and government intervention.zero. You can sue over malpractice in a government court if you have the money for a lawyer. If they pay off the judge well enough you have to pay for both parties court fees.