>>21596379I'm in my mid 40s. I have Z E R O interest in sleeping with girls over 30. I honestly stick to 23-26 as much as possible. As soon as they turn 28 they start going baby crazy and want you to marry them immedately.
At 23 they are much less likely to have really stupid ideas and act super emotionally about everything.
So 23-26 is kind of that, "a real adult" female but none of the "my eggs are dying because I'm an old female" issues you get from 28yr olds.
The only 40yr olds I would consider dating would be A-Listers / Models that have taken very, very good care of themselves. They tried the natural routes first, and have done minimal "nose job" or "face lift" shit. But thats like saying, "Hey I'd date Taylor Swift if she were 40".