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Amy released her grip on Carmody Jefferson's hair and took a step back placing both hands behind her back as Priscilla Divine interjected to break up the scuffle before things could escalate any further, it seemed that as usual there was a lot more going on here than she was aware of but she masked her rapidly growing embarrassment with anger as Priscilla gently persuaded her to stand down. Amy wanted the ground to open her up and swallow her whole as first Sola then Carmody said their piece and then left the room, Amy had made two bold threats and had delivered on neither, it was a total humiliation. As usual the redhead's attempts to make friends outside the Divine Mansion had ended in disappointment, it was a lot to endure.
"When the fuck did you turn soft? Since when did people walk into this house, disrespect the Divine Angels and then leave with no repercussions at all? Sapphire is dead and Nicole has gone off the rails again and it's all because of your shitty leadership." Those are the thoughts then turned over and over in Amy Flame's mind. The things she felt as her blood boiled, but the things she would never dare say out loud, not even to Colby, not even in the privacy of their own room. Amy bit the inside of her cheek until she tasted blood and tried with every fibre of her being to not to say anything that would pour more gasoline on this fire.
>"I'm sorry for ruining your shoot Priscilla."
Amy muttered as she eyed the door Carmody and Sola had left through.
>"If you need me I have a title match to prepare for, and it seems that Sola Fire has chosen death."