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Was in the same boat as you OP a few years ago minus the vax. Currently jacked and have women all over, not enough time to fuck all of them, constantly having to block bitches that i've ghosted who wont give up. Wanna know what I did?
Quit work, apply for benefits and grants, if no benefits steal to survive. Spend at least 3 hours a day on physical fitness. Yes you fat fuck; 3 hours a day is still 30% of a work-day. If you can't be disciplined enough to be physically fit you aren't capable of doing anything important in life. It is the most crucial stepping stone to your success.
So now with the remaining 5 hours a day that you would normally work you will spend it either: Applying for benefits, grants, doing work under the table, gigs, whatever else if you need money. If your good on money you will learn skills... Tactical skills: Metalwork, military strategy(like when to deploy thermal optics and how to counter thermal optics), chemistry(VERY IMPORTANT), ballistics, physics, astronomy.
You also need to move to a red area and start networking with people that think like you do. If you need to steal you drive to a blue area to do it, never shit in your own nest.
You'll notice two things as you do what i've told you: You start to become jacked and you start become an alpha. You'll notice female attraction in daily life soaring but you shouldn't have enough time to pay them any notice. You should always be busy; doing something, learning something. Just make sure you don't earn a taxable income and you'll be good.
You don't know true freedom until you've lost everything. Give it up, repent for your weakness and become strong.