>>17404790Again with the labels and I love that people don't believe my day to day life is real. You think that it makes me upset that the norm for me is unbelievable to you?
Where has your belief in Abraham got you anon?
My belief in myself and faith in my own abilities makes me jump into situations that others wouldn't dare. They hold back because of fear and doubt.
Lat few years I've been to Mombasa, Norway, Algeria, Senegal, Taiwan. Almost each time on systems that'd never worked with before and had to learn fast and apply different techniques to pull it off. Will be the same in Tel Aviv, one more feather in my cap and adds to my rep. There's only 35 people in the U.K does my specific trade. Out of them I'd count less than 5 travel as much. In the U.K guys do it for £250 a shift while I change £648. Simply because I run circles around the lot of them.
>Having time to worship Jesus.Wow, incredibly boring of you anon.
>Jesus likes me better than faggots like you.