>>18607935>>18608155>>18608199Shogun's furrowed brow didn't move an inch. To hear such mockeries of Skelly Skelly's name made her blood boil. And on top of this, a threat; not even the Divine Angels sought to harm outside of the WWA.
>For one thing, I have no problem with the Chinese people. Buddhism and Shinto align quite a bit.>I do have a problem with morally bankrupt, greedy, arrogant, nosy, and deceitful people, though.>That is not limited to one's flag.She tenses up at C.A.M.O.'s death threat. She still didn't want to see this woman die...but fortunately, that seemed to be enough to convince her to end this meeting for now.
>I wouldn't bother coming back or pushing this matter further. We'll fight in court, the ring, and as my friend so confidently implied, right here.>The only thing you should be doing is--Shogun looks down, seeing "Panda Girl," who is indeed a girl that has traits similar to a panda, comfortably at her master's feet like an actual animal. A less holy woman might say something like, "What the fuck?" but fortunately Shogun would never say something like that out loud.
>--taking...whatever this is...She says, with a general hand motion to the two and disgust in her face.
>Anywhere that isn't our front lawn!