>>17659090All i can tell you is that in Austria you can do whatever you want. Theres laws banning LARP shit like sword canes and pen knives but those go largely unenforced and will in practice only be used to tack on more charges should you be caught doing something else illegal with them. Even automatic knives are legal and openly advertised in storefront shops. It all got liberalized in 1996 and for many years there were no issues at all, Austrians largely handle weapons respomsibly. But since the rapefugee wave of 2015 they've started abusing this freedom to walk around with machetes and chop off hands, so God knows how much longer we have until UK-style Demolition Man cu*kening. This was my first reason for hating them, all the freedoms we lost to accomodate their savage asses, before that they were the excuse for putting up cameras all over. Fucking niggers.