>>18710053>I will tell you the verdad. Shogun is friendless puta. It does not surprise me that it betrayed you as she betrayed her amigas. But siding with this "Boss Lady"...>WOOF HOWL>Jaja, right! That sounds like someone who needs a better nickname. I can't grasp my head around someone calling herself the boss. Da vergüenza.>RUFF BARK BARK>What does surprise me, is that Casandra is siding with her. I guess I broke her espiritu. Not only does she surround herself with mindless no-name goons now. She also became a follower. What a perdedora. She should have taken my advice.>BARK>I have the feeling these Auditors have crafted this takeover with care. They bribed the most populares and famous luchadoras. Holly and Raging Red lead the popularity pools. And the Queen is a literal Reina. This is a grand conspiracion against you.>ARF WOOF>Don't worry Señor Dawg, remember what I told you when we signed our contract: We could be the top dogs. Now is the time to show that we are the top dogs. Pero pero pero, first, we need to find her. Actually, you know this building, these are your offices. Maybe you can help me better than the miniature cow.>GUAU>Jajaja, that's the spirit. Man, I forgot you knew Spanish. Oh, that reminds me of a funny historia...Raquel, now being guided by the Spaghetti Dog; continued her journey through the WWA Dungeon.