>>859509Most of them don't. When you get to the bottom of it, then you see that it is really something else they want. Some guys want a high number of sexpartners because they want to feel good about themselves, because they want others to see them as winners.
If you ask ten guys in the same class what is the best movie, you get ten different anwers. Ask them who are the prettiest girsl in school, you'll get the same list with some small variations. Because they didn't choose to like those girls, they are simply going along with what their brain tells them.
They have no free will in it at all. The brain analyzed and saw the girls that had the best features, assigned priority to them. The boys are just rationalizing so that they won't hurt their ego knowing they have zero say about their own libido.
Nobody told me to try out kissing and sex with the new boy at school. Me and him figured that one out all by ourselves. It wasn't easy either, it was very different. It is a lot more extreme, you feel a lot more exposed and vulnerable, making everything much more intimate.
If you've only experienced girls, then you're not on my level. You don't know what you're talking about, because you only see half of the picture. I could explain things to you, but it would be a truth you were told, not a truth that you've experienced, it wouldn't help you much.