>>13699883You have no idea the damage that you inflict on others or your society as a whole. The very bedrock of nations is the family and the building block of the family is the man and woman. You are fighting nature, you are fighting yourself, you are fighting everything good. You cannot imagine the pain you cause others because you block it out. You immerse yourself in corners of the internet and society that are too ignorant or cowardly to tell you the truth. The truth is that a man must be a lot of things, a man must live up to his calling as a male. This is objective, it exists whether or not you choose to believe in it. To be a masculine man is to be a good man. The Greeks would say that a good shovel is that shovel which digs well. To be a good man you must be a masculine man. You have rejected all that is normal and good. There is no greater isolation than to reject one's own self. You are male, one day you will realize this inescapable fact and it will ruin you. You cannot live the lie forever. Good luck Edwin. May God have mercy on your soul.