>>8960498>They had GulagsFor enemies of the people
>They also made massacres look at KatynNope
https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/research/furr_katyn_preprint_0813.pdf>They treated their soldiers and their population like cattle...Not really but times were tough
>After the war they had to fight multiple uprisings and even attempted revolutions.They had to clean up the mess you made
>There were multiple famines all across the soviet union.And Stalin got rid of famines and made the diet of USSR most nutritious and healthy in the world(pic related)
>The elite with Stalin was extremely corrupt, just look at Trotsky and so on and so forth...Given the circumstances and how he handled the situations, Stalin is possibly the best leader ever to exist
>If we would have conquered russia the people probably would have a much better life than under soviet rule.Another lie