>>13854607ehh okay... They were for a spinoff of warhammer called mordheim which is larger at 20mm so I don't really want to set them all up right now but here it is anywho......
https://litter.catbox.moe/7chqa7.jpeg>are you into the english civil warWell kind of. I do think it was an interesting transitional period between the more antiquated pike and shot tactics and the later formations using only muskets. They even wrote that into the rules too; the strength of your infantry units are determined by the ratio of firearms to polearms, with more guns being given a higher modifier. I hadn't heard of that battle before tho. I will have to look into it, thank you
>CN artstyles of 90s and early 2000swah? How could you not like that?? A lot of that stuff was done by Gendy and I really love his throwbacks to older 70s cartoons, with the hard lines and sharp edges and all. In comparison newer animation tends to look smoother but it also loses shape at times. It's like times new roman vs arial almost if you get what I'm saying
>hahapic relate
>the original she raI guess I can't really compare with the update since I haven't seen it but I have however seen a review of the old he man and as far as I can tell they've done justice to the old artstyle, as much as can be done on modern digital stuff that is. You should give it another try so you can compare them for me!
>vampire hunter d bloodlustI'm not sure I've heard of it before. Is it any good?