Remember Astroworld? You think the portal at the ritual was a coincidence?
>picrel That’s what they are doing at cern breakdown of what’s really going on. Basically things from the 2nd dimension, or a substrate are trying to get back into our 3rd dimension. They have influenced science and tech for ages. The dark ages is when they really pushed for chemical science to begin. Why do you think the ancient star worship is so embedded into alchemy, the precursor to chemistry? So much of our tech is from them. Jack parsons believed he was opening up stargates and download his fuel calculations during the Babalon working ritual. Those calculations got the US into space. The guy that figured it out for the Russians was an occultist. mullis who won a Nobel peace prize for the pcr test says he got his breakthrough from lsd. Druggery and spiritism was once intertwined. Thor son of Woden, an antediluvian annunaki and his nephilim son, is in those marvel movies and says how in his world science/tech and magic are the same. It’s like that and magic is comes from magi, magi were astrologers, star worshipers. Saturn was chronos, chronos was moloch.
Point is they want back in this dimension and they are using the elites to do it.