>>10891880This enraged me. The feeling of empathy and love was gone and now all I feel is anger. How anyone could do that to their child was a fucking devil to me and that’s what she became, a fucking devil. I had enough and started to walk back home when she came up to me. In a very ignorant way she asked me “hey do you gots any money fo me and my kid” I couldn’t hold my tongue and told her to stop worrying about her fucking hair and nails and feed her kid. She then became very hostile. Started screeching and hollering like a fucking ape in a tree. Telling me that I need to mind my own fucking business. Then another black man came out of no where and tried to see what was going on.
They both became very hostile towards me. Calling me white in a derogatory way. All of a sudden the term “racist” was thrown out at me for telling her how to raise a child. My fight or flight response kicked in and I got the fuck out of there. Especially now-a-days, whites do not need to be in a situation where the term racist is used. While running off I could hear someone screaming behind me, I didn’t know of this was in my head because I was on Psychedelics so I ducked off into the woods and stayed there for about 10 minutes until I knew I was safe. I then realized something. I was in nature. I then felt comforted in knowing that I was surrounded by trees and plants. I felt connected in some way I’ve never felt before to my surroundings. I felt at home.
I stayed there for about an hour in amazement and wonder star gazing and contemplating my place in the world. I got home and contemplated if what just happened was real. I knew it was real and never had an experience like that. I came to the realization that black and whites are not the same and we will never be equal. Psychedelics really opened my eyes to the world and I say try it sometime. Just don’t do it around blacks.