>>11861332>devil's advocatenot per se, though I ahree thr legitomacy of America is questionable it isn't as ilegitimate as it seems
for a place that was discovered in 15th century it wasn't even properly colonised atleast until 17th century; they were seldom inhabitet by couple of wayward adventurers and primarily by escaping pilgrims, which then slowly asimilated some of the land which granted enough of a basis for england to just found 13 colonies in 17th and 18th century by the end of which thd colonists revolted and instituted their own governing body with george washington as it's first president; after which all further asimilations were all based in legitimste conquer wars against native american and the spanish
but even if we take all thag out of the accounf the USA existed for atleast 250 years, whilst Israel exists still only for 70 years, that's not enough for 3 legitimate grneration swaps, the land was taken under ancient rites that most certainly expired
croatia snd serbia could be argued are also illegitimate (or atleast started ilegitimatively... though even that us subject for further debate)
though serbs and croats have lived in these lands for millenia even uf fir centuries they haven't occupied them under sovereign reign, however they did start funnily enough by institutinv dominance over slavic tribes that imigrated in parts of modern day croatia and serbia in no man's lands between the cities, somethinh that's nigh impossible in modern day countries, so in a sense although theuf claims to lands were illegitimatd they practically claimed lands nobody owned or bother to administrate
kosovo is another story altogether, kosovo is an ethnostate but it's not a legitimate country ax it has been cut off from serbia by america as means to institute a nato stronghold against russia's younger, uglier and weaker brother