>>19318906>>19318789Later, Priscilla sets about drinking the thoughts about the possible implications of Sapphire moving on to the afterlife away as she and Carmody enjoy Kanako's match
>As they say, birds of a feather flock together, and Kanako sure looks just as clueless out there as Nika did in all of her matches!As Priscilla finishes a glass of champagne, her attention is momentarily drawn away from the match by the sound of someone arriving, and she turns to see The Queen arrive at her end of the double sky box. The sight of a friendly face pleases Priscilla, and she turns to Carmody and gently whispers in her ear
>Come, there's someone you should meetPriscilla rises to her feet and as Carmody does the same, Priscilla takes her by the arm and leads her to The Queen and her companion
>Victoria! It's so wonderful to see you again, it's been too longWith a gentle touch of Carmody's waist, Priscilla encourages her to step forward
>Victoria, this is Carmody Jefferson, The One to watch, and certainly the one I am watching>Carmody? Meet The Queen, Victoria Royale. A legend of our industry, the leader of an entire nation and a woman I consider a dear friend