Operation Keelhaul
Operation Keelhaul; Untold American/British Genocide ...
May 26, 2014 · Operation Keelhaul was created and executed by the U.S and Britain literally to the genocidal death of millions by U.S. Military hands that corralled the broken people and placed them on transports back to Russia where death or slave labor awaited.
operation keelhaul : genocide by the 'allies' in world war two, allied forces turned millions, 2 to 5 million, of refugees over to soviet troops, [see note at end of blog at ***] knowing they would either be killed, or serve out their lives in russian gulags.
Deporting Russia’s Past: The Anti-Polish Operation of …
Operation “Głębocki” In November, Professor Głębocki went to Russia, yet, again. Aside from researching in the Russian capital, he was invited to give a talk on the Anti-Polish Operation for Memorial and the Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg.
How They Do It–Jewish Talk Show Host Promotes ‘White Genocide’ Theory but blames ‘Democrats’ rather than Jewish interests February 4, 2018 How They Schmooze it–Hundreds of Young U.S. Jews Send Birthday Wishes to Jailed Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi Ahead of Trial February 4, 2018
Operation Catapult-Operation Keelhaul-Operation ...
Oct 02, 2013 · Operation Keelhaul During WWII 1.5 Million Russians and 250.000 Cossacks had fought against Stalin on the German side. Chúrchill and Stalin had decided to forcefully "repatriate" those fighters together with their relatives, alltogether 5 Million human beings, to Russia either to be executed or to be sent into Gulags.