I RATE OTHER BOARDS (please add your own too)
>>>/fit/>2/10>55% pussy obsession>45% demoralization>5% useful discussiongood in theory but shit board. they admire and respect hard work and responsibility but there's just waaaaaaaaaay too much retarded shit
>>>/sci/>8/10good board, worst part is the pseuds but that's to be expected, not an unbearable amount
>>>/ck/>8/10great board nuff said. the webm threads are S tier
>>>/lit/>5/10it's OK. discussion can be great but holy shit there are so many pseuds
>>>/x/>5/10meh. some interesting stuff but also a lot of retarded shit
sucks that there are so many trolls calling anyone entertaining alternative ideas a retard
if there were fewer trolls id give it a 6
>>>/tv/>6/10good for shitposts, good for actress simping
absolute shite for anything else. i dont like it that much but if you like those first 2 things you'll like it a lot
>>>/v/>8/10one of the biggest and fastest boards. on topic discussion is usually at least ok, off topic discussion is somehow usually godly
great board for shitposts and discussion
>>>/out/>N/Anever been, i should check it out actually
>Error: Too many lineswhat the fuck