>>11481164>mosque in ChristchurchWhy are you retarded squatting neanderkike niggers like this? And do you believe no one here knows exactly what you attempt here all day every day with those same flags?
You're not slick. You're not fooling anyone.
You won't slip out of the noose on this one, mother fucker.
We're going to deal with ALL of you, and never look back.
So, keep playing your retarded games if you actually believe it's going to behoove you, but I'm here to tell you, you simply went too far, and lost all control.
I'm proud of my Kith and Kin for being so patient as to fully isolate our many enemies, and understand who is who, and what's going on.
We're going to fucking ruin you forever, you fucking stain.
Thank you for waking my People, you fucking parasite.
The Future is sealed.
The Future is OURS!
And do you honestly believe you've already won?