>>12815311>>You realize Pauline Christianity is the precursor to modern leftism right?total nonsence
everyone wants to shit on paul
he was bold enough to teach the truth
the cross + nothing = salvation for the world
now if faith importent? yes, nevertheless it is God who gives the faith not us, right now he is only giving it to some, later on he will give fiath to all
JESUS SAVES EVERYONE IN THE END. THE LAKE OF FIRE IS NOT FOREVER. DEATH IS REAL. Those that die have no consciousness whatsoever, there is no afterlife Ecc 9:4-10
However, 2000 years ago a man named Jesus was born, he was the son of God. God, who always existed, begat Jesus, Jesus did not always exist. First there was the Father, God, then came his son. Jesus really is Gods son.
Jesus lived a perfect life, and died on the cross as a substitute for you and all the bad deeds you have committed in your life, these bad deeds are called sins, we are all sinners, and the wages of sin is to suffer and eventually die.
3 days Later after being totally dead (he ceased to exist and was in a lifeless corpse) God raised him back to life and Jesus ascended into heaven.
Thanks to this he defeated death and sin once and for all for everyone. Since he was sinless he could die in your place.
Thanks to this, everyone will one day attain immortality and enter into the Kingdom of God, hell exists for some but it is not forever. In the end Jesus saves all. The cross grantees the salvation of everyone who ever lived. We have no free will. God gives faith to anyone he chooses. In the end he will give faith to all.