>be /bant/>no shitpost general>little to no generals at all>Basically every second post is a new completely useless thread>No thread reaches 200+ replies anymore FAST>Not one single discussion besides forced memes>inb4 uhh muh meme, shitposting board!!! [s4s] LOL :DDDDDD XDDDDDI really don't want to say this but /bant/ get's shittier every day
And I love /bant/!
But it's no fun anymore if everything is just a big forced meme with a copy pasta text and 1 or 2 new OC's a week of an unfunny picture
I don't even mean avatarfags or namefags like me. I don't care if someone posts their shitty meme in a thread as a reply but please don't start a new thread every 5 minutes
This board is slow as fuck and you're just making it worse
pic related,
it promotes a board called [s4s]
if (you) feel attacked right now then maybe you should back the fuck off to