>>15250708Real talk, niggers are a pest. As a race they've accomplished nothing but increase stds, crime, and violence statistics all over white nations. Every single last one of them wants to be judged by their individual actions but those individuals actions have the same outcome as if they were judged per their stereotypes. Many great white men died freeing their ungrateful, criminal nigger ass and still somehow hate whites. What's worse than their ingratitude is their hypocrisy, crying "white man bad" while benefiting from living in white man's land... go forth to your ancestral land full of nigger, see who laughs in the end. Go to any "diverse" place in Africa or backwater shithole if you hate whites so much. Every single time a nigger protests it's always to steal something in the confusion, they don't give a fuck about rights, they cannot even comprehend something so abstract with their quite literal mental retardation. The greatest Jewish trick niggers fall for is believing they're an exploited race because it makes them feel better about lacking any sort of achievements. It's never them, it always some exterior force oppressing them, something the cannot control which in a way it's true, because after all they're just dumb niggers. If self-pity is the greatest form of cowardice, then you'd understand why niggers are fast at running as they've evolved to be top performance cowards. Of the inferior races, niggers are the most despicable on par with kikes. All and all I fucking hate niggers, nigger lovers, nigger apologists, and anybody that tries to imitate/relate with them. Go back to Africa and die of aids over there.