>>13651677Perhaps, but needless to say I always felt I picked up patterns that just didn't make logical sense sometimes but were definitely connected. I have way too much synchronicity in my life and it feels like I can will reality sometimes almost it's hard to describe.
In an old thread I made, someone told me to check out Tavistock if I wanted more information about GATE courses in general. I was going to research it but then made some food, took a break, and decided to go to 8 kun out of nowhere. I hadn't been there in weeks because the threads move so slow.
I honestly couldn't believe it but someone made a thread there about Tavistock and uploaded an entire pdf about it as if it was directly for me in a sense. Someone in an old GATE thread posted the following below:
-You have a superpower. We all do here.
It's the ability to connect with the energy around you
You'll be thinking something or talking about something, then either moments or hours later, someone/something presents the exact thing you were thinking/talking about again.
-You're reading something online, something random; and then later someone brings up the exact topic/wording you were reading.
-same thing with TV. TV will reference topics/ideas that were relevant 48 hours ago on a pretty much every day basis
Use it to guide you.
Trust your gut. It's only wrong like 5% of the time.
As I like to call it, you're 1/a trillion.
-If you don't have that, you aren't quite there yet