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Anyway, the message on our sticker is about as innocuous and inoffensive as a message can be. Not a word about Blacks on the sticker, not a word about hurting anyone or about anyone being superior or inferior to anyone else. Yet that simple message — “help preserve the White race” — brings us more hate mail than anything else we publish. And I mean hate mail from White people, who really become uptight when they see our stickers.
Of course, I don’t mean that all White people become uptight when they see our publications or hear my message. Actually, our favorable mail — letters from people who tell us how pleased they were to see one of our stickers or to hear one of my broadcasts, people who tell me how much they agree with my message: our love mail — is running more than three to one over our hate mail. But that may be simply due to the fact that the people who like what I have to say are a more literate bunch than the haters; they are better able to cope with the task of writing a letter.