>>17987764>both Estonia and Finland are mostly Indo-European; they just aren't necessarily the most Indo-European in all of Europe (depending on how you define "Indo-European").yes so basically what i really define indo-europeans is a humans that are compositioned of eastern hunter gatherer and caucasian hunter gatherer as in 5050% but usually finnland is super high on the eastern hunter gatherer admixture so it might shift the calculation abit
>I'm not trying to say Finland and Estonia aren't "whitenoone really know what is white anymore
>The Siberian haplogroup indicates there was a Siberian contribution to their ancestry but not that Siberians totally replaced their DNA.i mean i have this ancient balto-finn genetic composition even tho it does tell much which european huntrr gatherer it is because there is like 5 of them but i suspect that teeny tiny amur hunter gatherer might be our suspect but i still dont really fucking buy it desu because
for saamis who are even more finnic and siberian than finns and estonians have haplogroup I which makes it even more confusing