>>17955398Christians are jews in spirit. Inside every christian is a jew. Christians want nothing more than to convert and be united with jews. They read jewish myth and jewish lore. They study and learn to quote jewish scripture. They metaphysically exalt jews in all their worship. "But they were not jews!" the /pol/ christian will say. "They were hebrews - they were whites like us!" they continue. A twisted christian similar to the niggers' "we wuz'ing." Despite the obvious coping, they will never regrow their foreskin. Their penises are cut just like the jews! Think about it logically, THEY MUTILATE AND DESECRATE THEIR SONS JUST LIKE JEWS! They will never regain their honor. They will never stop reading about Abraham the great jew patriarch and Noah the jew world savior, and they will teach their penis mutilated children to do the same. Generation after generation. One big happy judeo-christian family using jewish phrases like "hallelujah" and "amen." Christians will always be cucks.