>>19311284Priscilla utters another string of Danish expletives, much louder this time, and springs to her feet. This is already turning into enough of a disaster without a full blown fight breaking out.
>EVERYONE STOP! You’re ruining my photo shoot!>Carmody, Sola. I’m sorry. There’s a room just across the hall outside where you can get cleaned up and changed. She looks Carmody in the eyes, addressing her directly
>I hope to see you at the show later to scout Kanako as we planned, I'll be in touchThen she turns to Amy
>Amy, I understand your feelings for Jennifer and why you’re upset>But Jennifer, you have done nothing but antagonise my guests at every opportunity, despite the fact Carmody is someone I’ve seen potential in, and is our friend Colby’s sister. And I didn’t expect Sola to be here, but she was full of positive surprises. They both deserved a fair opportunity.>So I want you to explain why, Jennifer. Why do you insist on making it so difficult for new girls to be comfortable here? If Amy won against Holly and we brought her in, would it have been like this too? >Do you - do you have some sort of problem with the thought of us making other friends? I want answers Jennifer.