Use a giant cock to auger it out.
Anonymous (ID: LQhVeqBo) 05/06/20(Wed)10:54:09 No.10267944
>>10266311 Are you absolutely retarded? Cancer increases bleeding and fucks with clotting factors, taking aspirin (NSAID with anti-platelet effects) would increase your chance of bleeding substantially. If you're in pain and don't have a script for an opiate literally take anything else.
>t. Nurse
Anonymous (ID: 7TVpOUWN) 05/06/20(Wed)12:21:50 No.10268516
>>10266287 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: hbkpeWME) 05/06/20(Wed)14:03:19 No.10269205
>>10266287 (OP)
Join Islam before it's too late for you man,
Think: if islam were false, then you die and that's it..
But if Islam is correct, you would suffer in hell (if you do not convert)
Anonymous (ID: SCH3f7Tm) 05/06/20(Wed)15:21:15 No.10270641
>>10266287 (OP)
Vitamin B17
Anonymous (ID: Kg18Zn0w) 05/06/20(Wed)19:22:07 No.10272370
>>10266287 (OP)
Have you been snorting cocaine? My old man had a thing removed once because of cocaine, nasty shit man.
Anonymous (ID: +f+JEURi) 05/06/20(Wed)19:22:55 No.10272375
Anonymous (ID: JNbbCxw9) 05/06/20(Wed)20:24:50 No.10272844
>>10266287 (OP)
nice copypasta retard.
this isn't pol and nobody cares about your cancer fag.