>>15828216I'm going to acknowledge this is stupid as hell, no questions asked.
When you think about it though, isn't this a natural result of the decline of society? Let me explain:
> It's fairly well known on /pol/ that civilisations have very clear symptoms of decline. These symptoms include becoming non-religious, a rise in homosexuality and transgenderism, large increases in sexual promiscuty, and general discontent with society.> This has been demonstrated in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, even the Weimar Republic more recently. The only times in history society has been areligious have been before collapse of society, and now.> These symptoms arise because of a collective desire to "explore new ideas" and abandon tradition - former social norms and barriers are eroded, hence the decline in gender roles etc.> Typically at this point in a civilisation's life, they get invaded by outsiders (hence why people desire immigration, funnily enough). > This whole process is literally built into our DNA - the exact same process has been demonstrated in actual MICE.> See here for the mice experiment - very interesting read: https://www.iflscience.com/universe-25-the-mouse-utopia-experiment-that-turned-into-an-apocalypse-60407> As has been shown in mice, at this point in a civilisation's decline, women become hyper-selective.> "The ick" is the modern demonstration of this - women have become increasingly selective, so they look for the most minor reasons to not get with a man.