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Unironic white supremacists held a march/rally.
AntiFa people showed up and provoked violence.
Person in car runs people over, killing one and injuring about a score more.
Trump condemned everyone involved in the events.
MSM claimed Trump refused to condemn white supremacists.
Lots of people saying that the WS's started the violence for spreading a message of hate... but here's my take on it:
They had every right to march. Let them say their piece. When they are done, you can point at it and show people just how awful of a message this is and thus have people willingly avoid association. Perhaps their employers could let them go if legal. Have it QUIETLY be let go.
The police should have been there since the beginning to stop the violence as it started. Maybe those people could have not been injured then and maybe that girl wouldn't have died. Get in there with tear gas, stun guns, etc. and keep the peace.
We should take heed what the WS's were saying: "You will not replace us." They were also upset about historical figures being replaced or removed 'because diversity!' You can keep these old icons and merely ADD others to increase representation. In adding to what is up front, it provides more facets to historical issues and encourages critical thinking. The Confederacy was an important part of American history, and it should not be forgotten. That was a time when the President broke constitutional law for the good of the Union... and even so, we cannot be certain that it was the 'best' solution. It may have been a very 'moral' solution, but it was one of the least 'legal.'