Quoted By:
>Be me, like 4 weeks ago
>with friend, going to golf
>stop by my parents place to pick up old clubs
>dad brings up how friend and I had been wanting to hunt coyotes(for the pelt to gain skinning xp)
>points to small mound way out by woods
>"thats your coyote"
>we laugh and leave
-5 minutes later-
>"ayo but like what if we DID skin that coyote..."
>one game of golf later it's 10:30pm and were hauling a 12+ hour old dead coyote out of the woods to skin
>its bloated already but oh well
>never skinned a coyote but oh well
>dont have tools to properly hang it but oh well
>hang it using tow straps and volleyball net attached to a swing set post
>this thing smells like ass, it's voided it bowels and has been baking in the sun since 9AM
>accidentally rupture tummy cavity
>12AM finally finished
>Freeze the skin
>throw body back in the woods
One of the most redneck things I've done to date
Experience Gained
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