>>11160689> The only disagreement we have, seems to be with you assuming I'm trying to deceive you. Curb your seething, and I bet we can have a constructive conversation.Behold the semi schizo speaks!
This meaningless text was posted in response to this challenge:
>Forbidden in the BibleYet you are not allowed to judge anyone! So says the bible! So says JESUS! Translating jesus for our modern times:
"DON'T judge (homosex) to be wrong or you will be judged!"
Matthew 5:38-40
>But I tell you, do not resist an evil person (trying to force LGBT legislation). If anyone slaps you on the right cheek (or makes heterosexuality a crime), turn to them the other cheek also (help him make heterosexuality illegal). 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.Your religious ideology is a joke!
Learn to think retard!
>Kek, I'm a left wing person myself, and none of the Christians I know identify me as one.What is your position on LGBT? Leftists get the rope.