>>7858917Man... I gotta calm down. All right. If I'm gonna play some Touhou games, I gotta start with the PC-98. Yeah! This is when Touhou games were fucking Touhou games. Look at these titles! Highly Responsive to Prayers, Story of Eastern Wonderland , Lotus Land Story, not this "Scarlet Devil" shit. Just plain-ass, normal, everyday, no question about it, no Team Shanghai Alice, no fighters, not named after a weather, not named after a youkai, not named after the Satori's pet bird, no quarterback, dimeback, Nickelback, simple, ordinary, unembellished, unmistakable, crystal clear, as frank as Frankenstein, as blunt as an atom BOMB, one compound word, it's motherfucking, goddamn, sons-of-bitching, fuck, fuck, FUCKING TOUHOU! [Slams the CD into PC] And it's one of the worst games I've ever played in my life.