>>15851494(17) HARRP, and smart dust to control the weather we really are in for a wild ride. Data servers are being built everywhere to house all the data, and the particle acceled grid will provide the AI to go through all the data. If you're a person of interest they will bring in human onlookers to watch your screens mirroring software. If they can't eliminate you then they move to harassment, and in person psyops If you are against the system, you will be given a lower social score, and eventually you will not be able to buy or sell. (18)Which brings me to the forced microchip which will soon be implemented. If you do not take it, they will just layer your house with so much smart dust you will be bound to have a tracker on you. Not to mention they will have all your browser history, texts, calls, and everything you say around smart devices to frame you for crimes, or even blackmail you. If somehow that doesn’t work, they can always create a deep fake video of you doing anything. We must use these devices with our will, emotions, mind, and consciousness in the right way. I personally keep tape on even my phone cameras until I need it just to limit the data they illegally take. We must stop electing these pawns for the principalities, and vet our candidates. Even if elections don't matter we can still locally make a difference. Why do most political leaders support these mad scientist's. More importantly, why do we as citizens stand by while the biggest machine on earth is controlling the fabric of time, creating strategic aerosol sprays for geoengineering, and looking for the patterns in the grid to control reality.