Quoted By:
>One day I hear that they got a local gang involved.
>One of our track guys gets jumped, gets leg broken with baseball bat.
>Decide to bring in big guns, start hanging out with school smugglers
>Good friend with the guy who gets all the beer for parties and shit
>He agrees that they're cucks, decides to join our side
>We start using preschoolers and elementary schoolers as mules to smuggle in alcohol
>Eventually the drug and porno mag dealers want in too
>Demand a cut of their profits
>Money starts coming in.
>We pay our guys now.
>Some buy cars. Others pay girls to date them
>Other gang's allies start to join our side
>Eventually the whole school is in my pocket.
>School administrator finds out, decide to buy him too with all the cash coming in
>I'm 15 now, literally controlling the entire school.
>Business is good, prosperous for 2 more years.
>I graduate.
>Get into good school, use money I got from being Mob leader to pay tuition and living costs
>2 years later, decide to visit old school on fall break
>Contact the kid that was in charge, he says to come by
>People treat me like I'm the fucking president
>Sit down in private meeting room
>A few teachers come by to "pay their respects"
>Get food, talk with the new kid. The mob has expanded out of the school now, getting into local politics
>Explain I'm a political science major, running for office when I graduate
>"We'll buy you the votes"
>I graduate, have good reputation
>Contact the gang
>They win the campaign for me
>Now state representative
>Running for congress next election
>Mfw I look back and realize I'm probably gonna win the vote, all because of middle school bullies