>>3316315> Women are biologically programmed not to mate with men who are deteriorating spiritually. Everything that is attractive to a woman is gained through mastery of the self.According to Dhanvantari, the sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas or spiritual energy by pure thoughts. It is called sex sublimation in western psychology. Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive dynamic conversion process. It is the process of controlling the sex energy, conserving it, then diverting it into higher channels and finally converting it into spiritual energy or Ojas shakti.
Ojas is the cause of attractive personality. If you see any person who is
outstanding in his works, whose speech is impressive and thrilling, has lustrous eyes and a magnetic aura on his face and awe-inspiring (charismatic) personality, be sure that he has stored up Ojas in his brain. This stored up energy can be utilised for divine comtemplation and spiritual pursuits (Self-realisation).
Assuming that an ordinary man consumes 32 kgs. Of food in 40 days, yielding 800 Gms. of blood, which in turn will yield only 20 Gms. of semen over a period of one month. A person will be able to accumulate about 15 Gms. of semen in 30 days. And one-month accumulation of semen is discharged in one sexual intercourse!