>>12185358>TUG in ID shanefully cant go more than 3 days without fapping. it gets to a point where even the smallest things are a turn on or a reminder to beat my meat later. the jews have corrupted my hard drive and the only hope and faith i have left is in the act of suicide.
>>12185341i 100% agree. im bot a fucking uggo by any means, and hardly even creepy or what most people would assume a poster here looks likes.
>6 foot>blonde hair>white skin>thin figure>only one tattoo but have been told by even my mormon parents it is with taste>in college getting educated>have job>have many hobbies that typically attract females like playing guitar, doing art, making shit, ect.>know how to weld>carry many skills>only socially autistic on rare occasions >dress my age (23) havent been laid in a year. broke up with my ex that cheated on me last February, now all i do is draw, make beats, gym, and beat meat. my desire to find a relationship with a female has diminished and given me the gift of resentment for females, and disgust in the nature of humans. i have gone full recluse and only talk with my long distance friends. fuck modern women, they can rot in age all alone with what remnants of cum they have kept from all of those nigger ribbings theyve recieved