>>19505684It's the god of the gnostics. I was saying that arguing that an evil god created the world instead of a realer gooder good god doesn't solve the problem of evil, it just puts God further away from the world.
If the god of the gnostics is good, why doesn't he saves us from the material realm? If he can't, he's not all powerful. If he's unwilling, I don't want to go to him.
My position on theodicy is the orthodox catholic one.
God is good, we have free will, and the world is ordered, intelligible, and already perfect, praise Logos.
But our existence makes it bad because we are evil. It's easy to see how if everyone followed the rules, earth would be good, all we need is to enjoy each other's company and build cool things. You can see the kingdom of heaven by watching children play ^^. No transcendence or decadent luxury necessary.
This includes the animals, for which we are responsible, as the fall of man caused the fall of animals also, introducing death to the whole world.
>Young I was and now am old, yet never have I seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread -Psalm 37:25