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Reak talk, it feels like we're the only group on /bant/ that has to justify our existence. You don't hear people complain about Dukeposters doing nothing but post the same two images and "blow it out your ass" or people go after Satania for being nothing but a stock image repost. Yet for every good thread we keep alive, every drawthread we color, every script we write or game we release, ever shitposter we ban when we can actually get the mod up (we've sent people into the IRC just for this purpose), every attempt at keeping /bant/ from falling into the same type of stagnancy that destroyed /r9k/ and gridlocked /qa/, apparently that's never good enough for you.
We've tried to support other people's content like Borche, Simon, Leaf Girl, Blepe, the Morning Leader, but the moment we let go thinking that they'd be able to support themselves they all off the board and are forgotten entirely. Everyone wants to say they want to make content on /bant/, but nobody is willing to actually put the effort to make it stick. I've tried to keep /bant/ culture and decent threads alive to the best of my ability, NOT just Cirno threads, but without anyone willing to participate it's just smalltalk.
Do you want us to buy you a 4chan pass and gift you free Stam games or something? Can't we have a board where we can pursue digits in peace?