Quoted By:
>The media pushes that if you don't fuck a different woman everyday you are a complete failure, doesn't matter how much you achieved in your life, if you are a succesful CEO, discovered the cure for an ilness, surpassed the renaissence artists and sent a ship into space, if you are not hyper promiscuous you are less than the nigger/spic that fucks hoes on a daily basis
>Because of this men are constantly trying to have a lot of sex to get socially accepted
>Men are constantly giving attention to women, devaluating male attention and efforts, women have way too many attention and options (even the ugliest mordor orc), so they are picky as fuck
>This also leads to feminism, men becoming trannies, etc.
Don't get me wrong, men being pursued by several women was always seen as something good, but being a fucker wasn't accepted until very late 19th century and wasn't the standard of "success" until recently.
TL;DR Kill the ones in media pushing promiscuity