>>17050827>He's a retard,has hundreds of millions of dollars, hated by the powers that be, and the most googled man alive
>brags about being masculine is unquestionably masculine, 4x world kick boxing champion
> and simultaneously brags about having so many kids that he doesn't know how many kids he has.literally has never admitted to having kids, his brother has 1 kid.
> Absentee fathers are nigger tier. there's no evidence he has any kids and no evidence he's absentee
>People like him are why society is failing. if that were true he wouldn't be in jail
> Father's choosing to let the state raise their boys into betacux are why this world is garbage. he doesn't have any kids that we're aware of, his bother has a kid that's well taken care of.
>And he supposedly has the means and money to be a father, but chooses not to,you're just repeating a lie
>he'd rather raise an army of virtual simps that suck him off.globohomo shills are so predictably homoerotic