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I'm a functional alcoholic that daydrinks, here's some tidbits:
I take public transportation into the city, get fucked up and take it back home at night. Never drink near where you live. NEVER drunk drive.
Plan something to do. My thing is walking around drunk listening to comedy podcasts.
Don't do open container, people reactly visibly worse unless you're in Eastern Europe. If you're into beer, go into a sports store, grab one of those 2€ water bottle sleeves and put it around your beer can. If you do spirits, just pour it into a bottle/thermus.
Plan your social interactions. If you're going into a store to get a bottle, play out the interaction in your head. No cashier will give a shit, but you don't want to appear drunk (there's laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to inhebriated people) and there are cameras in every non-Paki convenience store.
Speaking of cameras, if someone is holding out a phone walk away immediately. There's a 50% chance they're filming out of their back-facing camera. You don't want to show up red-eyed in someone's instagram.
You should buy most of your booze beforehand, but if you re-fuel in a nice store buy something else besides booze. You should carry breathmints, people can smell alcohol breath.
Vacant streets with no cameras are a place to fix yourself. Sit, refuel, get back up.
Consider your metabolism. I'm 1.75m, I do 3-4L of beer once a week, cutting back to 0.5L at most during the other days.
Hidrate, but also plan where you're going to pee. Malls are great, they have free public restrooms.