>>3502261In early May, /bant/ becomes public for the first time, and almost immediately is swarmed by users of several boards who have noticed the new shiny board released by Hiro. Major parties during the initial appearance of the board were of course /pol/ and /int/, but also unexpectedly /qa/, /jp/, and /a/, who were looking for a board without either the tight grip of the moderation or the stagnation they felt had befallen their homeboards. /r9k/ and /leftypol/ from 4+4chan attempted to muscle in and control this new board as well, desperate for new material after they had exhausted their own realms through negligant practices. The first days were a chaotic experience between users trying to figure out what to do with this new place.
Intersting fixtures also included boss raids, a script originally written for /b/ instead imported to /bant/ after /b/tards proved unresponse to anything that wasn't porn. Typical.
Parts of /bant/'s culture from this early period that would later become important were the first sightings of Cirno around post
>>990~, the conception of Leaf Girl from a piece of Wendy's art, and the first attempts at making a Flag of /bant/, which at this point was just a bad copy of /pol/'s.