>>15996853>India is Arya just like us EuropeansIf Haplogroup alone determines Aryannes, then son of a black woman and an Aryan man is Aryan.
>Hinduism is a Arya faithHinduism is an umbrella term for different religions united by the same culture and mostly accepting Vedas, but with undamentally different and opposing philosophies, worldviews and practices. And the Sanskrit terminology is related schools is different as well, for instance atman and prakriti have different meanings in Sankya, Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.
>unlike ChristjewryFactually wrong. Levi carried R1a Aryan haplogroup
https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3928>and Skyrim LARPingThat's right. If you're too retarded to understand Christianity, then and want a "pagan" faith, then at least get into an actual tradition. As you get deeper into Shaivite philosophy and if you'll search for God sincerily, sooner or later you'll be able to appreciate Christianity better than most people who call themselves Christian.