>>5242609This. Absolutely true. I live in a town near DC that has had a large amount of korean immigration through the years. The (somewhat) westernized youth do a so so job of assimilating. Some make friends outside of their Korean cliques, I had a number of Korean friends in highschool. But for the most part what you said is right. Even in these youth, they seem to have only the strongest social ties with other Koreans, and even if you're their friend you would find it difficult to be part of their "cliques". The adults are EXACTLY as your last sentence describes. Since the first immigrant came to my town up until now many American businesses and shops have been swallowed up. We have a shopping plaza that used to be all American shit, now it is basically a main sector in what I call little Korea now. They just expand expand expand. I expect my town to be 30% non-white Hispanic, 50% korean, and 20% white in 10 years or less. Sad!