>>14947008Anime has been developed as a (domestic) pop culture (70~00) Like American Hollywood and K-pop first were.
But back in 2000s not many people had access to the internet let alone a PC. So only dedicated, well informed "geeks" watched anime while the vast majority consumed native media. Not to mention the fact that anime wasn't imported officially so often so people had to pirate their way to watch it unless it's being aired on adult swim.
Zoomers, on the other hand, has access to the internet on the palm of their hands. They can consume translated media from various nations via Netflix, Disney, etc. So whatever that's "popular" on it, will be popular to "every" zoomer.
So key to success today, is about hype trains. The actual quality only has to be okay-ish. You can sell garbage and be rich today if you play it right. Because there are so many people on the market with means to pay compared to before.