>>10809466>"""""I'm a christfag, but""""">>10809466>very common names back then and this proves nothing.>>10809464>You're a fucking idiot.>>10809482>He was literally a rabbi.(Also Jesus: "Call no man a rabbi")
>>10809484>Christianity has been around for 2000 years even if it's ancient how does this prove jack shit?>>10809487>I smoked some hashish and a donkey gave me relationship advice('religious' jew, referencing the talmud)
>>10809489>Fuck yeah (((bro))).>>10809490>>10809497>Tons of shady fuckers in Middle East producing fakes to sell in the West.>>10809511>>10809511>None of the four gospels are first hand accounts. IIRC John was written about 150 years after with Matthew and Mark following about 150 years after that.>t. """""theology and apologism studies"""""(Actually the NT was finished in 55AD)
>>10809516>No it's a Jew and the hooker he literally hired.(blasphemous 'religious' kike)
>>10809520>"""Is pic related proof that King Tut was a god?"""Kek @ poor low iq kike
>>10809580Fingerbox series
& Personal favorite kike pilpul :
>>10809538>"""""It's not uncommon to see trolls with long term thinking.""""">"""""As a kid I carved my younger brothers name into a hundred school desks """"">"""""before he even started going to school."""""-----------+-++++++++++-----------+--+-+--+------+++++--+
Fucking kek, pic related .