>>21844154>reality doesn't look like a giant Jew's dining room table like it says in the bible.That's not what the Bible says.
You shills invented flat earth and in the Middle Ages lied and accused the Catholic Church of teaching flat Earth. The Bible and the Church have Always taught the Earth is a GLOBE that does not move. It is fixed in space. Everything revolves around the Earth, because the Earth is the absolute center of creation.
Which, BTW, NASA probes checking the CMB (google this COBE, WMAP, PLANCK) have verified on multiple occasions. The CMB goes across the known universe right through the equator and at the 23 degree tilt. The Earth never moves. NASA of course, lies about it.
Tycho Brahe, he of the fake nose, deciphered all the math and created the Tychonic System, a map of the planets and the sun and their movement. The Sun revolves around the Earth. The other planets go around the Sun. It all works. But the world, rejected the Church and choose Copernicus instead.